Newsletter: MFPC Legislative Wrap-up

MFPC June 2022 newsletter

Now that the 130th Legislature has adjourned and lawmakers have turned their attention from policymaking to campaigning, it’s time for the Maine Forest Products Council to reflect on the outcomes of the Second Regular Session.

As with any session, there were some wins and some losses, but overall, I feel that the forest products industry had a strong session, thanks to our membership and lobbying team. Below you will find a legislative update that (mostly) includes bills that were either signed into law or became law without signature. 

Over the summer, the Council will develop a policy platform intended to better prepare us for perennial issues that we can expect to deal with again in future legislatures (PFAS chemicals, fish passage and dams, Tribal rights, herbicides, climate change, etc). We will be sure to share it with each of you ahead of the 131st Legislature.

Before we get down to business, I’m encouraged to say that we’ve hired a new Deputy Director, Krysta West, who joined our staff on June 1. You will find information about Krysta below, so please join me in welcoming her to the team. Krysta and I plan to get out and meet with the membership this summer and fall.

We are still in search of an Admin Assistant to replace Sue, who is set to retire on August 1. If you have a candidate in mind, please have them send a cover letter and resume to

Finally, I hope to see you all at our Annual Golf Tournament in Bangor next month. If you still need to sign up, please contact Sue.

Pat Strauch
MFPC Executive Director

Click here to view the full June newsletter.

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