About Maine Forest Products Council
Since 1961, the Maine Forest Products Council has been the voice of Maine’s forest economy. MFPC represents the diverse needs of Maine’s forest products community. Our members include landowners, loggers, truckers, paper mills, tree farmers, foresters and lumber processors, as well as bankers, lawyers and insurance executives. We represent anyone who has an interest in seeing the Maine woods remain a viable, sustainable resource.
We serve our community by gathering information, bringing groups together to discuss concerns, hosting events, conducting tours and helping people find common ground. We represent our members at the Maine Legislature, across the state, in Washington D.C. and across the nation.
Membership benefits
Stay informed
Members receive up-to-date information on the industry’s most interesting facts and pressing issues from the MFPC Forest News, a news clipping service on forest products in Maine and beyond; summaries and alerts on what’s happening at the Maine Legislature and in Congress; and MFPC’s monthly electronic newsletter with detailed articles about issues facing Maine’s forest products industry.
Be heard in Augusta and Washington
MFPC’s staff stays on top of legislative and regulatory initiatives affecting Maine’s forest products industry at the Maine Legislature, Land Use Planning Commission, Maine Forest Service, state and federal departments of environmental protection, U.S. Congress and more.
Networking opportunities
MFPC members enjoy opportunities to network with the who's who of Maine's forest products industry, lawmakers and regulators at our annual events. Events include an annual membership meeting in September, a summer golf tournament, a legislative reception and a candidate breakfast series during election years.
Click here to learn more about MFPC membership.
Contact us
Maine Forest Products Council
535 Civic Center Drive
Augusta, Maine 04330