Return of the Spruce Budworm presentation
Presentation from MFPC's January Timber Talk event - Return of the Spruce Budworm.
PPH Opinion: Maine must remain vigilant in protecting its forests
January 6, 2025
An early intervention program to guard against the dreaded spruce budworm won’t come cheap, but the cost of doing nothing would be much greater.
PPH: Budworms ravaged Maine’s forests for years. They’re starting to come back.
November 19, 2024
An aerial survey confirmed 3,000 acres of Maine’s forest were damaged by spruce budworm in July. Modeling indicates 178,000 acres are at risk of defoliation from budworm larvae that will emerge next spring.
Natural Disturbance in Central Canada's Forests: Spruce Budworm - Wildfire Interactions in a Changing Climate
Potential interactions between spruce budworm and wildfire have long been inferred from the observation of frequent large fires occurring shortly after a period of several years of severe defoliation.