Author name: Krysta West

Legislative Update: Thanks for your support on LD 1202

Thanks for your support on LD 1202LD 1202 An Act To Establish a Wood-fired Combined Heat and Power Program, sponsored by Rep. Nate Wadsworth, R-Hiram, was heard in Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee (EUT) Thursday, beginning the discussion about reviving the old Community Renewable Energy Program that aided the Robbins Lumber and Maine Woods Pellet Co.

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The Essentials: What you need to understand aerial spraying in forestry

Comments from Robert G. Wagner, Professor and head of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, and formerly Henry W. Saunders Distinguished Professor, School of Forest Resources, University of Maine. Fields of expertise: Academic and research leadership, industry/university partnerships, silviculture, forest management, forest regeneration, vegetation ecology and management. Forest managers must be able to determine which

The Essentials: What you need to understand aerial spraying in forestry Read More »

Newsletter: MFPC preliminary watch list has 106 bills, including many familiar ones

Despite a pandemic and a crisis in national leadership, Maine’s forest industry keeps adapting to changing conditions as it works to remain competitive in a global marketplace. Many Maine residents, especially those in rural communities, are dependent on our members’ success in surviving these challenges. So we want to ensure that every newly elected Maine

Newsletter: MFPC preliminary watch list has 106 bills, including many familiar ones Read More »

Fred Huntress

When Fred Huntress looks back on his much-younger self, he just has to laugh. “When I was in high school I wouldn’t even talk on the phone,” he says. “Gosh, it took me a long time to get out of that shell. Now you can’t stop me from talking.” Why would anyone want to stop

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