Forest Carbon Task Force

 On December 14 Patrick along with Tom Doak, MWO and Barrie Brusilla, Mid-Maine Forestry presented the recent report from the Forest Carbon Task Force focused on recommendations for small woodlot owners 10,000- 20 acres. Two key recommendations were to build a greater MFS regional forester outreach capacity to educate landowners on active forest management and evaluating

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Gov. Mills launches $20 million Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to support Maine’s forest economy and rural communities

Milford, Maine – Governor Janet Mills announced today that her Administration is launching the Forestry Recovery Initiative to support Maine’s forest products industry and the people it employs, create and sustain jobs in rural Maine, and strengthen the state’s economy. “The Council applauds Governor Mills’ Jobs and Recovery Plan Initiative focused on Maine’s forest resource economy,”

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What a fantastic experience

By Jim Britt, Director of Communications,  Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry On a northern Maine forestry tour Oct. 4,  Diane Rowland, the newly appointed dean of the University of Maine College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture (NSFA) and director of the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, was introduced to the the

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Maine forest products industry contributes $8.1 billion, 31,822 jobs

The Maine Forest Products Council commissioned an economic impact study —  Statewide Economic Contribution of Maine’s Forest Products Sector —  that was recently completed by Megan Bailey, research associate for the Margaret Chase Smith  Policy Center.  “Despite the challenges of past few years, the Maine forest products industry still has an enormous impact on our state’s economy, especially in

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Peter Triandafillou receives 2021 Albert Nutting Award

“In recognition of his leadership, integrity, intellect, and long-term commitment to sustainable forest management. We honor his efforts to champion both Maine’s working forests and the community of forestry professionals.” At the Maine Forest Products Council’s 61st annual meeting Sept. 20, Peter Triandafillou, who recently retired as vice president of woodlands at Huber Resources, received

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Ken Gallant, Tom Griffin named Outstanding Environmental Managers

“In recognition of a distinguished careers dedicated to protecting Maine’s environment and leadership in advocating for a reasonable Pulp & Paper industry regulatory framework. An outstanding environmental manager must have integrity, credibility and honesty within our industry, but perhaps more importantly with those who regulate our industry, including governors, senators, congressional representatives, legislators and regulators.

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John Gray receives 2021 President’s Award

“In recognition of his extraordinary dedication in supporting and enhancing the mission of the Maine Forest Products Council. A board member since 2004, he became treasurer in 2010. He has been an excellent custodian of MFPC’s finances, providing solid information and sound counsel to support decision-making. Our members greatly appreciate his service” The President’s Award

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